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  • Jay Gorasia


After a long time apart it was so touching to see the whole Holmewood community being able to reunite at our fun packed, rescheduled Summer Fayre at the end of last month.

What with two covid lockdowns resulting in cancelled school events, diminished birthday and wedding celebrations and even a heavily reduced family Christmas we have all missed out on social occasions where we can see, converse with and spend quality time with family and friends. In addition, our little community has grown and is now split over two equal sized sites.

The importance of reconnecting and interacting with people is a primary human need and should not be underestimated. It is even more vital for our autistic students and their families. Being able to relax and enjoy each other's company at school events is a valuable part of school life. It helps to foster good relationships, improve communication skills and build self-confidence.

At Holmewood, school events give students an opportunity to take a break from their academic studies and get to know their peers from other classes. This in turn, will not only make them happy but also rejuvenate and motivate them in their studies.

Our school social events also help parents to connect with other parents and to get to know staff in a less formal environment. It was wonderful to finally get our newer families together in the same place as some of our more established families and hear them exchange stories. Ms Camilleri notes a particular family story of one of our Sixth Form students who started with us at just seven years old. Back then, he battled with finding his identity and showed this in many ways. Now, he is a charming young man, with qualifications, studying at college and even passed his driving test. Stories like this are inspiring for new families to hear, which makes these sorts of gatherings really important.

Thank you to all Holmewood students, family members and staff who attended and helped ensure the Holmewood Summer Fayre was a great success. We loved having you all back together.

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